Cryp2p is a Solana-based iOS native app that's focused on improving user experience of real-life crypto transactions. To achieve that, we use QR code system and NFC.
Cryp2p is currently in active development. This app is being developed as a part of Solana Riptide hackathon.
- App Store® and the Apple logo® are trademarks of Apple Inc.
Click here or use the Redeem Code: bla bla bla
We're using
- CodeScanner Xcode package to scan QR codes
- Swift.Solana package to handle Solana transactions
Because we find painful:
- Manipulation with wallet addresses
- Sending wallet addresses electronically when you're standing next to the recepient
What can you do with the app?
- Keep track of frequent contacts, adding real names to them
- Make instant transactions with minimal fees with people who are both 2 feet or 2000 miles away
See the Cryp2p Wiki for full documentation, code structure, and other information.
Built with love by @filiptronicek & @scraptechguy