Gollections is set of functions for slices, maps and additional implementations of data structures such as ordered map or set aimed to reduce boilerplate code.
Supports Go version 1.22.
For example, it’s need to group some users by their role names converted to lowercase:
var users = []User{
{name: "Bob", age: 26, roles: []Role{{"Admin"}, {"manager"}}},
{name: "Alice", age: 35, roles: []Role{{"Manager"}}},
{name: "Tom", age: 18},
You can make clear code, extensive, but without dependencies:
var namesByRole = map[string][]string{}
add := func(role string, u User) {
namesByRole[role] = append(namesByRole[role], u.Name())
for _, u := range users {
if roles := u.Roles(); len(roles) == 0 {
add("", u)
} else {
for _, r := range roles {
add(strings.ToLower(r.Name()), u)
//map[:[Tom] admin:[Bob] manager:[Bob Alice]]
Or you can write more compact code using the collections API, like:
import (
var namesByRole = group.ByMultipleKeys(users, func(u User) []string {
return convert.AndConvert(u.Roles(), Role.Name, strings.ToLower)
}, User.Name)
// map[:[Tom] admin:[Bob] manager:[Bob Alice]]
go get -u github.com/m4gshm/gollections
data, err := slice.Conv(slice.Of("1", "2", "3", "4", "_", "6"), strconv.Atoi)
//[1 2 3 4], invalid syntax
even := func(i int) bool { return i%2 == 0 }
result := slice.Reduce(slice.Convert(slice.Filter(data, even), strconv.Itoa), op.Sum) //24
In the example is used only small set of slice functions as slice.Filter, slice.Conv slice.Convert, and slice.Reduce. More you can look in the slice package.
result := sum.Of(filter.AndConvert(data, even, strconv.Itoa))
This is a shorter version of the previous example that used short aliases sum.Of and filter.AndConvert. More shortcuts you can find by exploring slices subpackages.
Be careful when use several slice functions subsequently like
. This can lead to unnecessary RAM
consumption. Consider
instead of slice API.
var s = slice.Of(1, 3, -1, 2, 0) //[]int{1, 3, -1, 2, 0}
import "github.com/m4gshm/gollections/slice/range_"
var increasing = range_.Of(-1, 3) //[]int{-1, 0, 1, 2}
var decreasing = range_.Of('e', 'a') //[]rune{'e', 'd', 'c', 'b'}
var nothing = range_.Of(1, 1) //nil
var increasing = range_.Closed(-1, 3) //[]int{-1, 0, 1, 2, 3}
var decreasing = range_.Closed('e', 'a') //[]rune{'e', 'd', 'c', 'b', 'a'}
var one = range_.Closed(1, 1) //[]int{1}
// sorting in-place API
import "github.com/m4gshm/gollections/slice/sort"
var ascendingSorted = sort.Asc([]int{1, 3, -1, 2, 0}) //[]int{-1, 0, 1, 2, 3}
var descendingSorted = sort.Desc([]int{1, 3, -1, 2, 0}) //[]int{3, 2, 1, 0, -1}
// sorting copied slice API does not change the original slice
import "github.com/m4gshm/gollections/slice/clone/sort"
// see the User structure above
var users = []User{
{name: "Bob", age: 26},
{name: "Alice", age: 35},
{name: "Tom", age: 18},
{name: "Chris", age: 41},
var byName = sort.By(users, User.Name)
//[{Alice 35 []} {Bob 26 []} {Chris 41 []} {Tom 18 []}]
var byAgeReverse = sort.DescBy(users, User.Age)
//[{Chris 41 []} {Alice 35 []} {Bob 26 []} {Tom 18 []}]
import (
var ageGroups map[string][]User = group.Of(users, func(u User) string {
return use.If(u.age <= 20, "<=20").If(u.age <= 30, "<=30").Else(">30")
}, as.Is)
//map[<=20:[{Tom 18 []}] <=30:[{Bob 26 []}] >30:[{Alice 35 []} {Chris 41 []}]]
import (
var order, ageGroups = group.Order(users, func(u User) string {
return use.If(u.age <= 20, "<=20").If(u.age <= 30, "<=30").Else(">30")
}, as.Is)
//order [<=30 >30 <=20]
//ageGroups map[<=20:[{Tom 18 []}] <=30:[{Bob 26 []}] >30:[{Alice 35 []} {Chris 41 []}]]
import (
var namesByRole = group.ByMultipleKeys(users, func(u User) []string {
return convert.AndConvert(u.Roles(), Role.Name, strings.ToLower)
}, User.Name)
// map[:[Tom] admin:[Bob] manager:[Bob Alice]]
import "github.com/m4gshm/gollections/slice"
var agePerGroup map[string]int = slice.Map(users, User.Name, User.Age)
//"map[Alice:35 Bob:26 Chris:41 Tom:18]"
import "github.com/m4gshm/gollections/slice"
var names, agePerName = slice.MapOrder(users, User.Name, User.Age)
//"[Bob Alice Tom Chris]"
//"map[Alice:35 Bob:26 Chris:41 Tom:18]"
import (
var ageGroupedSortedNames map[string][]string
ageGroupedSortedNames = slice.MapResolv(users, func(u User) string {
return op.IfElse(u.age <= 30, "<=30", ">30")
}, User.Name, resolv.SortedSlice)
//map[<=30:[Bob Tom] >30:[Alice Chris]]
import "github.com/m4gshm/gollections/op/sum"
var sum = sum.Of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) //21
var sum = slice.Reduce([]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, func(i1, i2 int) int { return i1 + i2 })
import (
var sum = slice.Accum(100, slice.Of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), op.Sum)
import (
result, ok := slice.First([]int{1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11}, more.Than(5)) //7, true
import (
result, ok := slice.Last([]int{1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11}, less.Than(9)) //7, true
var s []string = slice.Convert([]int{1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11}, strconv.Itoa)
//[]string{"1", "3", "5", "7", "9", "11"}
result, err := slice.Conv(slice.Of("1", "3", "5", "_7", "9", "11"), strconv.Atoi)
//[]int{1, 3, 5}, ErrSyntax
import (
var f1 = slice.Filter([]int{1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11}, one.Of(1, 7).Or(one.Of(11))) //[]int{1, 7, 11}
var f2 = slice.Filter([]int{1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11}, exclude.All(1, 7, 11)) //[]int{3, 5, 9}
import (
var i []int = slice.Flat([][]int{{1, 2, 3}, {4}, {5, 6}}, as.Is)
//[]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
convert.AndReduce, conv.AndReduce
These functions combine converters, filters and reducers.
import "github.com/m4gshm/gollections/map_/clone"
var bob = map[string]string{"name": "Bob"}
var tom = map[string]string{"name": "Tom"}
var employers = map[string]map[string]string{
"devops": bob,
"jun": tom,
copy := clone.Of(employers)
delete(copy, "jun")
bob["name"] = "Superbob"
fmt.Printf("%v\n", employers) //map[devops:map[name:Superbob] jun:map[name:Tom]]
fmt.Printf("%v\n", copy) //map[devops:map[name:Superbob]]
import "github.com/m4gshm/gollections/map_/clone"
var bob = map[string]string{"name": "Bob"}
var tom = map[string]string{"name": "Tom"}
var employers = map[string]map[string]string{
"devops": bob,
"jun": tom,
copy := clone.Deep(employers, func(employer map[string]string) map[string]string {
return clone.Of(employer)
delete(copy, "jun")
bob["name"] = "Superbob"
fmt.Printf("%v\n", employers) //map[devops:map[name:Superbob] jun:map[name:Tom]]
fmt.Printf("%v\n", copy) //map[devops:map[name:Bob]]
var users = map_.Slice(employers, func(title string, employer map[string]string) User {
return User{name: employer["name"], roles: []Role{{name: title}}}
//[{name:Bob age:0 roles:[{name:devops}]} {name:Tom age:0 roles:[{name:jun}]}]
var employers = map[string]map[string]string{
"devops": {"name": "Bob"},
"jun": {"name": "Tom"},
keys := map_.Keys(employers) //[devops jun]
values := map_.Values(employers) //[map[name:Bob] map[name:Tom]]
var keys = map_.ConvertKeys(employers, func(title string) string {
return string([]rune(title)[0])
//map[d:map[name:Bob] j:map[name:Tom]]
var vals = map_.ConvertValues(employers, func(employer map[string]string) string {
return employer["name"]
//map[devops:Bob jun:Tom]
var all = map_.Convert(employers, func(title string, employer map[string]string) (string, string) {
return string([]rune(title)[0]), employer["name"]
//map[d:Bob j:Tom]
var all, err = map_.Conv(employers, func(title string, employer map[string]string) (string, string, error) {
return string([]rune(title)[0]), employer["name"], nil
//map[d:Bob j:Tom], nil
API extends rangefunc iterator types seq.Seq[V]
, seq.Seq2[K,V]
utility functions kit.
even := func(i int) bool { return i%2 == 0 }
sequence := seq.Convert(seq.Filter(seq.Of(1, 2, 3, 4), even), strconv.Itoa)
var result []string = seq.Slice(sequence) //[2 4]
intSeq := seq.Conv(seq.Of("1", "2", "3", "ddd4", "5"), strconv.Atoi)
ints, err := seq2.Slice(intSeq) //[1 2 3], invalid syntax
To use any collection or loop as a rangefunc sequecne just call All method of that one.
In many cases the API likes the loop API.
var (
ints iter.Seq[int] = seq.Of(1, 2, 3)
pairs iter.Seq2[string, int] = seq2.OfMap(map[string]int{"first": 1, "second": 2, "third": 3})
filter := func(u User) bool { return u.age <= 30 }
names := seq.Slice(seq.Convert(seq.Filter(seq.Of(users...), filter), User.Name))
//[Bob Tom]
import (
var users iter.Seq[User] = seq.Of(users...)
var groups iter.Seq2[string, User] = seq.ToSeq2(users, func(u User) (string, User) {
return use.If(u.age <= 20, "<=20").If(u.age <= 30, "<=30").Else(">30"), u
var ageGroups map[string][]User = seq2.Group(groups)
//map[<=20:[{Tom 18 []}] <=30:[{Bob 26 []}] >30:[{Alice 35 []} {Chris 41 []}]]
var sum = seq.Reduce(seq.Of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), func(i1, i2 int) int { return i1 + i2 })
adder := func(i1, i2 int) int { return i1 + i2 }
sum, ok := seq.ReduceOK(seq.Of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), adder)
//21, true
emptyLoop := seq.Of[int]()
sum, ok = seq.ReduceOK(emptyLoop, adder)
//0, false
import (
result, ok := seq.First(seq.Of(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11), more.Than(5)) //7, true
var s []string = seq.Slice(seq.Convert(seq.Of(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11), strconv.Itoa))
//[]string{"1", "3", "5", "7", "9", "11"}
result, err := seq2.Slice(seq.Conv(seq.Of("1", "3", "5", "_7", "9", "11"), strconv.Atoi))
//[]int{1, 3, 5}, ErrSyntax
import (
var f1 = seq.Slice(seq.Filter(seq.Of(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11), one.Of(1, 7).Or(one.Of(11))))
//[]int{1, 7, 11}
var f2 = seq.Slice(seq.Filter(seq.Of(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11), exclude.All(1, 7, 11)))
//[]int{3, 5, 9}
import (
var i []int = seq.Slice(seq.Flat(seq.Of([][]int{{1, 2, 3}, {4}, {5, 6}}...), as.Is))
//[]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
loop, kv/loop and breakable versions break/loop, break/kv/loop
Legacy iterators API based on the following functions:
type (
Loop[T any] func() (element T, ok bool)
KVLoop[K, V any] func() (key K, value V, ok bool)
BreakLoop[T any] func() (element T, ok bool, err error)
BreakKVLoop[K, V any] func() (key K, value V, ok bool, err error)
The Loop
function returns a next element from a dataset and returns
on success. ok==false
means there are no more elements in
the dataset.
The KVLoop
behaves similar but returns key/value pairs.
even := func(i int) bool { return i%2 == 0 }
seq := loop.Convert(loop.Filter(loop.Of(1, 2, 3, 4), even), strconv.Itoa)
var result []string = seq.Slice() //[2 4]
and BreakKVLoop
are used for sources that can issue an
intSeq := loop.Conv(loop.Of("1", "2", "3", "ddd4", "5"), strconv.Atoi)
ints, err := loop.Slice(intSeq) //[1 2 3], invalid syntax
The API in most cases is similar to the slice API but
with delayed computation which means that the methods don’t compute a
result but only return a loop provider. The loop provider is type with a
method that returns a next processed element.
import "github.com/m4gshm/gollections/loop"
var (
ints = loop.Of(1, 2, 3)
strings = loop.S([]string{"a", "b", "c"})
import "github.com/m4gshm/gollections/loop/range_"
var increasing = range_.Of(-1, 3).Slice() //[]int{-1, 0, 1, 2}
var decreasing = range_.Of('e', 'a').Slice() //[]rune{'e', 'd', 'c', 'b'}
var nothing = range_.Of(1, 1).Slice() //nil
var increasing = range_.Closed(-1, 3).Slice() //[]int{-1, 0, 1, 2, 3}
var decreasing = range_.Closed('e', 'a').Slice() //[]rune{'e', 'd', 'c', 'b', 'a'}
var one = range_.Closed(1, 1).Slice() //[]int{1}
filter := func(u User) bool { return u.age <= 30 }
names := loop.Slice(loop.Convert(loop.Filter(loop.Of(users...), filter), User.Name))
//[Bob Tom]
import (
var ageGroups map[string][]User = group.Of(loop.Of(users...), func(u User) string {
return use.If(u.age <= 20, "<=20").If(u.age <= 30, "<=30").Else(">30")
}, as.Is)
//map[<=20:[{Tom 18 []}] <=30:[{Bob 26 []}] >30:[{Alice 35 []} {Chris 41 []}]]
import (
var ageGroupedSortedNames map[string][]string
ageGroupedSortedNames = loop.MapResolv(loop.Of(users...), func(u User) string {
return op.IfElse(u.age <= 30, "<=30", ">30")
}, User.Name, resolv.SortedSlice)
//map[<=30:[Bob Tom] >30:[Alice Chris]]
import (
var sum = sum.Of(loop.Of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)) //21
var sum = loop.Reduce(loop.Of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), func(i1, i2 int) int { return i1 + i2 })
adder := func(i1, i2 int) int { return i1 + i2 }
sum, ok := loop.ReduceOK(loop.Of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), adder)
//21, true
emptyLoop := loop.Of[int]()
sum, ok = loop.ReduceOK(emptyLoop, adder)
//0, false
import (
var sum = loop.Accum(100, loop.Of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), op.Sum)
import (
result, ok := loop.First(loop.Of(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11), more.Than(5)) //7, true
var s []string = loop.Convert(loop.Of(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11), strconv.Itoa).Slice()
//[]string{"1", "3", "5", "7", "9", "11"}
result, err := loop.Conv(loop.Of("1", "3", "5", "_7", "9", "11"), strconv.Atoi).Slice()
//[]int{1, 3, 5}, ErrSyntax
import (
var f1 = loop.Filter(loop.Of(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11), one.Of(1, 7).Or(one.Of(11))).Slice()
//[]int{1, 7, 11}
var f2 = loop.Filter(loop.Of(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11), exclude.All(1, 7, 11)).Slice()
//[]int{3, 5, 9}
import (
var i []int = loop.Flat(loop.Of([][]int{{1, 2, 3}, {4}, {5, 6}}...), as.Is).Slice()
//[]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
convert.AndReduce, conv.AndReduce
These functions combine converters, filters and reducers.
- (only for go 1.22) Using rangefunc
for i := range range_.Of(0, 100).All {
don’t forget exec go env -w GOEXPERIMENT=rangefunc
before compile.
- Using
statement like:
next := range_.Of(0, 100)
for i, ok := next(); ok; i, ok = next() {
- or
for next, i, ok := range_.Of(0, 100).Crank(); ok; i, ok = next() {
range_.Of(0, 100).ForEach(doOp)
- or
method that can be aborted by returningBreak
for expected completion, or another error otherwise.
range_.Of(0, 100).For(func(i int) error {
if i > 22 {
return loop.Break
return loop.Continue
Provides implelentations of Vector, Set and Map.
Mutables support content appending, updating and deleting (the ordered
map implementation is not supported delete operations).
Immutables are read-only datasets.
Detailed description of implementations below.
predicate and breakable break/predicate
Provides predicate builder api that used for filtering collection elements.
import (
bob, _ := slice.First(users, where.Eq(User.Name, "Bob"))
Aimed to evaluate a value using conditions. May cause to make code
shorter by not in all cases.
As example:
import "github.com/m4gshm/gollections/expr/use"
user := User{name: "Bob", surname: "Smith"}
fullName := use.If(len(user.surname) == 0, user.name).If(len(user.name) == 0, user.surname).
ElseGet(func() string { return user.name + " " + user.surname })
assert.Equal(t, "Bob Smith", fullName)
instead of:
user := User{name: "Bob", surname: "Smith"}
fullName := ""
if len(user.surname) == 0 {
fullName = user.name
} else if len(user.name) == 0 {
fullName = user.surname
} else {
fullName = user.name + " " + user.surname
assert.Equal(t, "Bob Smith", fullName)
import (
result, ok := first.Of(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11).By(more.Than(5)) //7, true
import (
result, ok := last.Of(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11).By(less.Than(9)) //7, true
Supports write operations (append, delete, replace).
- Vector - the simplest based on built-in slice collection.
_ *mutable.Vector[int] = vector.Of(1, 2, 3)
_ *mutable.Vector[int] = &mutable.Vector[int]{}
- Set - collection of unique items, prevents duplicates.
_ *mutable.Set[int] = set.Of(1, 2, 3)
_ *mutable.Set[int] = &mutable.Set[int]{}
- Map - built-in map wrapper that supports stream functions.
_ *mutable.Map[int, string] = map_.Of(k.V(1, "1"), k.V(2, "2"), k.V(3, "3"))
_ *mutable.Map[int, string] = mutable.NewMapOf(map[int]string{1: "2", 2: "2", 3: "3"})
- OrderedSet - collection of unique items, prevents duplicates, provides iteration in order of addition.
_ *ordered.Set[int] = set.Of(1, 2, 3)
_ *ordered.Set[int] = &ordered.Set[int]{}
- OrderedMap - same as the Map, but supports iteration in the order in which elements are added.
_ *ordered.Map[int, string] = map_.Of(k.V(1, "1"), k.V(2, "2"), k.V(3, "3"))
_ *ordered.Map[int, string] = ordered.NewMapOf(
/*order */ []int{3, 1, 2},
/*uniques*/ map[int]string{1: "2", 2: "2", 3: "3"},
The same underlying interfaces but for read-only use cases.
- (only for go 1.22) Using rangefunc
uniques := set.From(range_.Of(0, 100))
for i := range uniques.All {
- Using
statement like:
uniques := set.From(range_.Of(0, 100))
next := uniques.Loop()
for i, ok := next(); ok; i, ok = next() {
- or
uniques := set.From(range_.Of(0, 100))
for iter, i, ok := uniques.First(); ok; i, ok = iter.Next() {
uniques := set.From(range_.Of(0, 100))
- or
method that can be aborted by returningBreak
for expected completion, or another error otherwise.
uniques := set.From(range_.Of(0, 100))
uniques.For(func(i int) error {
if i > 22 {
return loop.Break
return loop.Continue