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Declarative bare-bones stub server. Inspired by stubby4j

Key features

  • Split stubs across multiple files in one directory
  • Supports YAML anchors and aliases for reuse of common stub attributes
  • Easily enable CORS for a given origin via a command line flag
  • Regex path matching via gorilla mux
  • Regex query and headers matching

Basic example

# stubs-folder/example.stub.yml
- request:
    methods: [GET]
    path: /api/user
    status: 200
      Content-Type: application/json
    file: "path/to/user.json"

- request:
    methods: [PUT, PATCH]
    path: /api/user
    status: 204
    latency: 100
- request:
    methods: [GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE]
    path-prefix: /api/admin
    status: 403
    body: forbidden

Getting started

  1. Download an executable from the releases page. Alternatively, clone this repo and build from source.
  2. Simplify the name of the binary e.g. go-stub
  3. Run ./go-stub -p 8080 -d "path/to/stubs-folder"

YAML stub fields

Field Description Example Required
request declare what request to respond to basic example required
request.methods list of HTTP methods [GET, PUT, POST] required
request.path-prefix path prefix to match. Overriden by request.path / required if missing request.path-prefix
request.path specific path to match. Overwrites request.path-prefix /path/to/stub required if missing request.path
request.query key-value map of query string parameters to match. Values support regex. animal: dog optional
request.headers key-value map of headers to match. Values support regex. Connection: keep-alive optional
response declare the contents of the response basic example required
response.status status code to respond with 200 required
response.headers key-value map of headers to be included in the response Content-Type: application/json optional
response.body value of response body. Overriden by response.file hello world optional
response.file path to file containing the contents of the response body. Overwrites response.body /path/to/data.json optional
response.latency duration in milliseconds to wait before responding 250 optional

Command line flags

Long Short Description Usage Required
directory d Path to directory containing YAML stub files ./go-stub -d "path/to/stubs-folder" required
port p Port to serve stubs from ./go-stub -p 8080 required
cors-allow-origin o Allow CORS from specified origin, this will,automatically apply headers 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods', and'Access-Control-Expose-Headers' ./go-stub -o "*" optional
write-timeout N/A Server write timeout duration (default: 15s) ./go-stub --write-timeout 30s optional
read-timeout N/A Server read timeout duration (default: 15s) ./go-stub --read-timeout 1m optional
idle-timeout N/A Server idle timeout duration (default: 1m0s) ./go-stub --idle-timeout 1m30s optional
disable-color N/A Disable color in console output ./go-stub --disable-color optional

Build from source

  1. Have a working go installation
  2. Clone this repo git clone
  3. Go into the repo folder and run ./ to build for the most common platforms
  4. Find the binaries in the bin folder, named like so {os}-{architecture}-go-stub

If you only want to build for your current platform, just run go build -o go-stub *.go


Declarative bare-bones HTTP go stub server








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