Code accompanying our paper "One Knowledge Graph to Rule them All? Analyzing the Differences between DBpedia, YAGO, Wikidata & co."
Quantitative analysis of the following Knowledge Graphs (KGs):
- DBpedia (D)
- YAGO (Y)
- Wikidata (W)
- NELL (N)
- OpenCyc (O)
- Get top 10 classes for each KG
- Calculation of class indegree and outdegree
- Get all instances for each class
- Calculation of minimum, average, median, and maximum indegree and outdegree for the instances of each class
- Create a combined list with all top 10 classes and equal classes in other KGs (e.g. with owl:sameAs properties)
- Calculate all degree values for the new classes as well
- Calculate the instance overlap of the classes using different string similarity measures
- /LinkedInstances/*.py creates files with all linked instances between two KGs.
- Input:
- KG files containing instances and/or links to other instances.
- Output:
- Files containing the combined links between two KGs (e.g. DO_sameAs_union.nt for the links between DBpedia and OpenCyc) that are denoted as #o1.
- Move those #o1 files to the /InstanceOverlap/owlSameAs/ folder.
- Input:
- /GetInstances/src/ creates files that contain all instances of a class including all English labels.
- Input:
- Array with class names for each KG.
- Full KG or just the files containing the instances and labels.
- Output:
- Textfiles containing all instances with all English labels for each class in each KG.
- Saved as <k_className>InstancesWithLabels.txt where k stands for the abbreviation of the KG (e.g. d_ActorInstancesWithLabels.txt for the actor instances in DBpedia). All those files are denoted as #o2.
- Move these #o2 files to the /InstanceOverlap/InstanceLabels/ folder.
- Input:
- /InstanceOverlap/src/ executes the following three steps for each class in the className array for calculating the estimated overlap:
- creates files with the linked instances of two classes by e.g. using the owl:sameAs property.
- Input:
- Class name.
- #o1 files with the linked instances in the /InstanceOverlap/owlSameAs/ folder.
- #o2 files with all English instance labels for the respective class and for each KG in the /InstanceOverlap/InstanceLabels/ folder.
- Output:
- Links between instances for each class1-class2 combination that is used as gold standard (there might be multiple classes that describe the same concept in a single KG, e.g. wordnet_actor_109765278 and wordnet_actor_109767197 in the YAGO KG). These files are saved as <className1_className2>.tsv in the /InstanceOverlap/owlSameAs/x2y/ folder (e.g. Actor_wordnet_actor_109765278.tsv in the d2y folder). These files are denoted as #o3.
- Input:
- creates files that contain all found links between two classes using the different string similarity measures (e.g. Jaro, Levenshtein) and different thresholds.
- Input:
- Class name.
- #o2 files.
- Output:
- Links between the instances of two classes that are found using a specific similarity measure and threshold. The results are saved as <fromK_2_toK_fromClass_toClass_simMeasure_threshold>.tsv in the /InstanceOverlap/simMeasureResults/ folder (e.g. d2y_Actor_wordnet_actor_109765278_jaro_1.0.tsv). These files are denoted as #o4.
- Input:
- Input:
- Class name.
- #o3 containing linked instances that is used as gold standard.
- #o4 containing the instances that should be linked based on the respective similarity measure and threshold.
- Output:
- estimatedOverlap_<className_parameter_timestamp>.csv files in the /InstanceOverlap/estimatedOverlap/ folder containing instance counts, precision, recall, f-measure, estimatedOverlap, number of links, count of matching alignment, count of partial matching alignment, and true positives for each class1-class2 combination for each class and each KG combination (e.g. estimatedInstanceOverlap_Actor_wBlockingMax1000000_tokenBk4_2017_02_17_13_35_52.csv).
- Input:
- creates files with the linked instances of two classes by e.g. using the owl:sameAs property.