This package is designed to create forms for Laravel / Bootstrap.
This package is also being used to learn how to build packages so it is not expected to be used by general public and reliability can not be guaranteed.
New Release
use AkiCreative\AkiForms\Models\Akiasset;
Route::get('/asset/private/{id}/private/{filename}', 'AkiCreative\AkiForms\AssetController@private')->name('aki.asset.private');
$ar = new Akiform($errors, []);
var $errors = []; var $tabindex = 1; var $echo = true; var $csrf = true; var $horizontal = false; var $horizontalleft = 'col-md-3'; var $horizontalright = 'col-md-9'; var $size = 'form-control-sm'; var $defaults = []; var $constrainform = ''; var $inlinelist = false; var $openform = false; var $viewmode = false;
$ar->build('switch', 'Label', 'name', ['checkboxvalues' => [['test1', 'This is a test']]]);
This date picker uses a Modal Pop up to show a calendar.
$ar->build('datepicker', 'Label', 'name', []);
datepickertoday = [false] datepickerclear = [true]
$dpcfgs = [
'yearstart' => date("Y"),
'yearend' => date("Y") + 5,
'startrange' => '',
'endrange' => '',
'exclude' => '',
'datepickerformat' => 'd/m/Y'
You must include the class at the bottom of the page in the scripts section.
Add a lightbox to a page that will change dynamically to the link you send it.
<a href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#akilightbox" data-url="#">Text</a>
Remove tags.
General a list that will compact down responsively. It will also put in line dividers
$.post('{{ route('aki.toast') }}', { header: header, body: body }, function(result) {
Coming soon.