This repo contains an efficient implementation of the idea proposed in Constructing and Sampling Directed Graphs with Linearly Rescaled Degree Matrices.
The algorithm constructed a small graph from the original graph using Joint Degree Matrix and Degree Correlation Matrix (see paper for more details).
The main algorithm is implemented in src/
sample(G, k, file_name)
Inputs: G: The original graph (nx.DiGraph); k: input_sample_ratio (float, within (0,1)); file_name: the name of the original graph (defined by user, a folder for storing output files will be created at results/[file_name]
Returns: time_list: time used in each step (python list); number of duplicate edges: int
Outputs: edgelist: stored as results/[file_name]/sampled_[k]_edge_list.txt
(using nx.write_edgelist
); degree_sequence: stored as results/[file_name]/sampled_[k]_degree_sequence.txt
formatted as {ind},{outd}
, each row correponds to one node in the sampled graph
import networkx as nx
from src import sample
er = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(1000, 1e-3,directed=True) # create an Erdős-Rényi graph
time_list, duplicate = sample.sample(er, 0.1, 'erdos_renyi_graph') # sample the graph
er_sampled = nx.read_edgelist("results/erdos_renyi_graph/sampled_0.1_edge_list.txt", create_using=nx.DiGraph(), data=False) # reads back the sampled graph
This repo also contains the following content for advanced usage.
- data: folder where 10 synthetic datasets (5 Erdős-Rényi graphs, 5 scale-free graphs) and 8 real-world datasets (from The KONECT Project) are stored.
- results: folder where sampling results are stored. For the 10 datasets in data folder, the sampled graph (k=0.75) and a range of related files are given
- src: folder where the main algorithm ( and many helper files are stored.
- shellcode to automatically run all kinds of experiments with arguments (-re: --run-experiments, -gd: --run-experiments, -god: --run-experiments, -pd: --run-experiments, -gfd: --run-experiments, -fpl: --run-experiments). sample_ratio needs to be specified at the top of the shellcode