iNotebook is a responsive online platform where users can manage their notes securely on the cloud. The application offers features like registration, login, note management, and a theme toggle between dark and light modes.
- User Registration: Create a personal account to manage your notes.
- Verify Your Email: Verify your email during first login.
- Note Management: Add, edit, and delete notes. Each note includes:
- A title
- A description
- A tag (default is "General")
- Read Note: You can also read a particular note with detail.
- Daily Limit: Each user can daily add only 50 notes.
- Filter: User can also filter notes by tags.
- Account Sidebar: User can easily see his profile details by opening that sidebar.
- Update Profile: User can also update his profile information (name, email).
- 404 Page Not Found: Also shows 404 error incase of wrong page request.
- Theme Switcher: Toggle between light and dark themes.
- Responsive Design: The site is fully responsive across different screen sizes.
- Authentication: Login and logout functionality for secure access.
Clone the repository
Open a terminal and run the following command:git clone
Open the project
Use your favorite code editor to open the cloned repository. -
Install dependencies
Navigate to the project folder in your terminal and install the required Node.js dependencies:npm install
Run the development server
Start the frontend development server by running:npm run dev
Make sure npm is installed on your system.
After running the command, the frontend will be hosted locally, and a link to the app will appear in the terminal.
Access the frontend at:
To start the backend server, follow the instructions provided in the Backend Guide.
- React Router DOM (for routing)
- React Top Loading Bar (for progress indication)
- React Hot Toast (for notifications)
Tailwind CSS: For building the UI with responsive design.
- Express.js: For building the server-side logic.
- Mongoose: For managing MongoDB interactions.