This module will query a Amazon Redshift database to produce information about it's DDL.
$ redshift-ddl load > /tmp/ddl.json
$ redshift-ddl load --connection-string=postgres://localhost:5439/thedb > /tmp/ddl.json
$ PGCONNECTIONSTRING=postgres://localhost:5439/thedb redshift-ddl load > /tmp/ddl.json
$ redshift-ddl --help
Usage: redshift-ddl [options] [command]
-V, --version output the version number
-v, --verbose verbose debug output
-h, --help output usage information
load [options] load the ddl
$ redshift-ddl load --help
Usage: redshift-ddl load [options]
load the ddl
-c, --connection-string <connection> connection string, defaults to PGCONNECTIONSTRING
-h, --help output usage information
const { loadDDL, processDDL } = require('@goodwaygroup/redshift-ddl');
const loadedDDL = await loadDDL();
const processedDDL = await processDDL(loadedDDL);
This module uses pg and by default you can use the environment variables it reads to config how the connection is made to Redshift.
# Redshift connection information
# Redshift connection string (preferred if defined)
PGCONNECTIONSTRING=postgresql://dbuser:[email protected]:5439/mydb
If you already have a pg.Pool
or pg.Client
created, you can pass that to loadDDL
const ddl = await loadDDL({ conn: alreadyExistingConn });
This module exposes convenience methods to create instances of either pg.Pool
or pg.Client
const { createClient, createPool } = require('@goodwaygroup/redshift-ddl');
// Client
const connClient = createClient({
options: {
statement_timeout: 15000
// Pool
const connPool = createClient({
options: {
statement_timeout: 15000,
connectionTimeoutMillis: 1000,
max: 4
Using processDDL
with the result to loadDDL
will produce a single object organized by schema. Each schema will contain all of it's tables, views, udfs, and external tables. This is the object returned by the command line tool from this module.
To run tests, just run the following:
npm test
All commits are tested on CircleCI
To run eslint
npm run lint
To auto-resolve:
npm run lint:fix
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use milestones and npm
version to bump versions. We also employ auto-changelog to manage the For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
To initiate a version change:
npm version
- Julian Lannigan - Initial work - @mrlannigan
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details