There are multiple classes implementing polling behavior in JeroMQ.
Use ZContext.createPoller. This returns a ZMQ.Poller.
zmq.poll.Poller contains low-level implementation details of ZeroMQ polling behavior.
It should not be used directly in code that uses the JeroMQ library.
ZMQ.Poller is the user-facing API for working with pollers in JeroMQ.
Pollers are constructed by calling ZContext.createPoller. This is essential because it registers the poller with the context, so that when the context is closed, the poller and selector resources are cleaned up properly.
ZPoller is a work-in-progress rewrite of the polling API.
If you use ZPoller, please update these docs with more information!
- zguide: Handling Multiple Sockets: general information about polling in ZeroMQ