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Sepehr Ghafari SphrGhfri
Software Engineer


San Jay chief10sguru
Dev Sec Ops Project Manager
ismailox ismailox-01

Together Forever Family Morocco

NorthernL1ghts NorthernL1ghts
Software Engineer, mostly working in C / C++ and Python.
Chafik HADJ ABDOU RAZACK ChafikHadjAbdouRazack
Software Engineer | Available for consultation and contract work.


Udo Bauer knackwurstking
I’m a self-taught hobby programmer.


Sudharsan T Sudharsan1402
👋 Hi there! I'm a student at SJCE with a passion for data analysis and problem-solving. I'm proficient in C, C++, Python, and Java.
Beginner in HTML, CSS, JS, and Python. I enjoy programming!
Shakeef Ahmed Rakin ShakeefAhmedRakin
Enthusiastic developer and student on an ongoing quest for innovation, exploring a variety of programming languages and tech to broaden horizons.

BRAC University Bangladesh

Nahid Hasan nahidhasan141400
MERN stack web developer

Dewan ICT Dhaka

JinHao CaiJinHao

JH ZhengZhou,China

Shahariar Mithu MITHU9
4th Year Computer Science And Engineering Student .

Student at Pabna University of Science and Technology(PUST) Pabna, Bangladesh

JiHwan Oh 134130
I love open source

@chequer-io Seoul, South Korea

Muhammadaliyev Husanjon HusanjonDeveloper
.Net Developer From Uzbekistan 🇺🇿

uzbekistan, tashkent

yuwang91 DolbyUUU
🚀 Machine Learning Engineer | NLP & LLM 📈 Economist | Empirical & Behavioral 🎓 PhD | Decision Science & Managerial Economics
ControlCoreX ControlCoreX

河南科技大学 武汉 · 光谷

Trex Teja-2006
Hey 👋 , I am 17 years old ( born 2006). Learning to code while studying to start my dream tech startup.


João Pedro Doni DoniJoao
Aluno Desenvolvimento Software Multiplataforma.

Fatec Itapira itapira

Kazi Tanvirul Islam Sakib ktisakib
I am a Fullstack Designer and am good at GitOps and DevOps.

Basic's School Bangladesh

Mohammad Akbari MIAkbari
iOS developer...


@lavoignetofficial lavoignetofficial
Nuevas tecnologias, nuevas posibilidades para crear, gestionar y escalar en línea alrededor del mundo. San Pedro Garza Garcia, México

Md Kawsar Islam Yeasin yeasin2002
Front End Focused Full Stack Web Developer || TypeScript - NextJS, Express 🖤

Brightshift Dhaka Cantonment || Mirpur

Mayank Patel mayankpatel-mit
I'm a technophile, eager reader, and an ardent learner, always curious about how systems are built and operate.

Mirats Insights, Atomos Technologies Lucknow, India

Madson Aragão madsondeluna
Bits, bytes and biomolecules.

Federal University of Minas Gerais Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Amitrajit Das AmitrajitDas
Software Engineer | Competitive Programmer | On my journey to be a CS Polymath

Wingsure Kolkata

PingHsien Wu (Ping) pingwu
Value Creator | Multi Agent System MAS, Amazon Book Author | Change Agent | Cloud Data Center Management | Meta Linguistic Model Engineer

Urmila MrsUrmila
Housewife | YouTuber | Chef | IoT

Delhi, IN