30 packages
Apache Isis Common utilities for persistence stacks
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Provides an implementation of a Shiro Realm that will automatically created delegated ApplicationUsers for any users externally authenticated in a delegate realm
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Provides a domain service to automatically create a delegated ApplicationUser if authentication has been performed externally, eg by Spring OAuth2 or by Keycloak.
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Legacy support for writing unit tests in JUnit 4 with JMocj and AssertJ. DEPRECATED!
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Helps with the CI build, that is, it replaces original Wicket artifacts at ~/.m2/repository with mangled variants, that do not include module-info.class entries. This artifact - in its realeased form - is empty.
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Installs as an automatic module with unrestricted access to the class-path (not module-path). In the context of the Java platform module system, allows for reflective access to all classes on the class-path. Classes on the module-path need to 'opens' to this module.